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Middletown UMC Becomes

A Lighthouse Congergation

Lighthouse Congregations represent a movement to provide a "safe place" for church members who don't want to leave The United Methodist Church and need to recover spiritually and emotionally from disaffiliation stress. 


What is a lighthouse congregation?

In the midst of a season where some churches are choosing to leave the United Methodist Church, lighthouse congregations seek to provide a space where individuals who want to be United Methodist can heal and rest. The goal is not to increase worship attendance or membership, but to over love and grace. 

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MUMC is committed to sharing love and grace with those in need. As a congregation that is firm in its commitment to staying Untied Methodist, we can be a place where other United Methodists can find renewal and connection after their congregations disaffiliate. 


Read the letter from the Church Council here. 

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What does this change?

Nothing! We continue to welcome and invite those who join us in worship

- both in-person and online -

to experience the love and grace of Jesus Christ.

This is just another way we are opening our arms wide to those who are looking for a church community. 


Questions? Please contact Pastor Katie. 

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